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Dishes Photos : GLASS MONKEY

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Pictures were taken when users had dinner there at that time so the information it contains may not be the latest. Please confirm before you use this information.

1 - 60 of 145

Official photos

  • (by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 飲み会やご宴会にもお使いいただけるコースメ...(by Restaurant)

  • 当店自慢のコースメニューを飲み放題メニュー...(by Restaurant)

  • 前菜、サラダ、鉄板、揚げ物などバラエティ豊...(by Restaurant)

  • リーズナブルからプレミアムまで。プライスも...(by Restaurant)

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  • デザートプレート(by Restaurant)

  • デザートプレート(by Restaurant)

  • デザートプレート(by Restaurant)

  • デザートプレート(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板フレンチトースト(by Restaurant)

  • おつまみウィンナー(by Restaurant)

  • かに身のかにみそ焼き(by Restaurant)

  • きのこのわさび醤油(by Restaurant)

  • さつまいものフライハニーディップ添え(by Restaurant)

  • たこのカルパッチョ(by Restaurant)

  • アボカドのブルスケッタ(by Restaurant)

  • イカとブロッコリー(by Restaurant)

  • インカのめざめニョッキ(クリームソース)(by Restaurant)

  • カマンベールチーズフォンデュ(by Restaurant)

  • グラモンサラダ(by Restaurant)

  • サーモンクリーム(by Restaurant)

  • ジェノベーゼ(by Restaurant)

  • ツナと小海老(by Restaurant)

  • デミグラスソースオムライス(by Restaurant)

  • デミグラスソースオムライス(by Restaurant)

  • デミグラスソースオムライス(by Restaurant)

  • トマトのブルスケッタ(by Restaurant)

  • バケットのパリパリチーズ焼き(by Restaurant)

  • ホワイトソースオムライス(by Restaurant)

  • ホワイトソースオムライス(by Restaurant)

  • ホワイトソースオムライス(by Restaurant)

  • ポテチ(by Restaurant)

  • ポテトとアボカドのタラモソース焼き(by Restaurant)

  • 冷製たことバジル(by Restaurant)

  • 冷製ツナと柚子胡椒(by Restaurant)

  • 和風アボカド(by Restaurant)

  • 変わった鉄板ピザ(ミートソース)(by Restaurant)

  • 定番ナポリタン(by Restaurant)

  • 明太子オムライス(by Restaurant)

  • 明太子クリーム(by Restaurant)

  • 明太子クリーム(糖質50%off麺)(by Restaurant)

  • 気まぐれアヒージョ(by Restaurant)

  • 豚肩ロースの西京焼きアップルサラダ添え(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・カルボナーラ(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・カルボナーラ(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・カルボナーラ(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・チーズとバジル(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・チーズとバジル(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・ナポリタン(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・ナポリタン(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・ペンネアラビアータ(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・ペンネアラビアータ(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・季節の野菜とベーコンのチ...(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板スパゲッティ・季節の野菜とベーコンのチ...(by Restaurant)

  • 鉄板煮込みハンバーグ(by Restaurant)

  • デコレーション生クリームケーキ(by Restaurant)

  • デコレーション生クリームケーキ(by Restaurant)

  • 週替わりランチパスタ(by Restaurant)

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
Categories Dining bar, Italian, Cafe
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)


Reservation availability

Reservations available





15 minutes walk from Komaki Station on the Meitetsu Komaki Line *5 private parking spaces available. It is convenient to visit us by car!

981 meters from Komaki.

Opening hours
  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

    • 11:30 - 14:00
    • 18:00 - 23:00

      L.O. 22:00

  • Sun

    • Closed
  • ■ 営業時間
Average price

JPY 1,000 - JPY 1,999

- JPY 999

Average price(Based on reviews)
- JPY 999

View spending breakdown

Payment methods

Credit cards not accepted

Electronic money not accepted

QR code payments accepted


Service charge & fee



Number of seats

16 Seats

( *Table seats (4 people x 2 seats), counter seats (8 seats))

Private rooms


*We accept reserved for the shop! Please feel free to contact us!

Private use



Smoking allowed

The revised Health Promotion Act for passive smoking prevention has been in effect since April 1, 2020. Please check with the restaurant for the most up-to-date information.



*There are 5 dedicated parking spaces.


Stylish space,Relaxing space,Counter seating



Shochu (Japanese spirits),Wine,Cocktails available


Health and wellness menu

Feature - Related information


Solo dining friendly |Friends

This occasion is recommended by many people.


Hideout,A house restaurant

Dress code




The opening day



[15 minutes from Komaki Station, parking available] Stylish dining and cafe serving iron plate pasta and Sweets [Female owner] A fun atmosphere shop run by two female co-owners! Welcome to chat! [Famous Teppanyaki Pasta] Exquisite pasta and Omelette Rice rice grilled on a sizzling iron plate! [Fresh vegetables from our own farm] We use plenty of fresh vegetables that are freshly picked every day! [Alcohol selection] Carefully selected drinks that go well with delicious dishes, including fresh draft beer and various cocktails [Weekly lunch] Open for lunch from Monday to Saturday from 11:30 to 2:30 p.m.! All items include salad and dessert [Women's party/drinking party] All 16 seats at the table/counter are perfect for girls' party, drinking party, and banquet [Great coupons] We are running super advantageous coupons such as up to 25% off on courses! [Can be reserved for up to 16 people] Suitable for private and business events such as farewell parties and banquets [Dessert pride] Exquisite Sweets handmade by a female chef and pastry chef! Whole cake reservation available

Restaurant highlights

[Teppanyaki pasta x pastry chef's Sweets] Female-owned Dining Bar [Up to 25% course discount! 》

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