Takoyaki(タコ焼き) in Kawachi Yamamoto Sta.

Takoyaki in Kawachi Yamamoto Sta.

Asa kichi

Kawachi Yamamoto Sta. / Takoyaki


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  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.

Aho ya

Kawachi Yamamoto Sta. / Takoyaki



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  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.

Jiyuu Hompo Ju-

Kawachi Yamamoto Sta. / Takoyaki


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  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.
Jiyuu Hompo Ju-

Jambo Sou Honten

Kawachi Yamamoto Sta. / Takoyaki, Izakaya (Tavern)



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  • -Due to the nature of the site, the accuracy of restaurant information cannot be guaranteed.