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Photos : Shinjuku Karaoke Izakaya Unappon

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Pictures were taken when users had dinner there at that time so the information it contains may not be the latest. Please confirm before you use this information.

1 - 42 of 42

Official photos

  • (by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 新鮮な鰻を仕入れ、うなぎの旨みを最大限に引...(by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 滋養強壮・スタミナ強化、美容健康に抜群のす...(by Restaurant)

  • 完全個室席 6名様席(by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 内観(by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 内観(by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 完全個室 8名様席(by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • 完全個室席 10名様席(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 料理(by Restaurant)

  • 【舟盛り】鮮魚10点盛(by Restaurant)

  • うなぎパクチーチャーハン(by Restaurant)

  • きも焼(by Restaurant)

  • ちゃんこ鍋などご宴会にお勧めのお料理を贅沢...(by Restaurant)

  • 丁寧に秘伝のたれで仕上げるうなぎはまさに自...(by Restaurant)

  • 丁寧に秘伝のたれで仕上げるうなぎはまさに自...(by Restaurant)

  • 串焼き盛り合わせ(うなぎ・鶏)8本(by Restaurant)

  • 厳選!しゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題コース(by Restaurant)

  • 名物【すっぽん鍋】がメイン! すっぽん三昧...(by Restaurant)

  • 握り寿司十二貫(by Restaurant)

  • 特製・鰻鍋 ~うなぎなべ~(by Restaurant)

  • 短尺(by Restaurant)

  • 鰻と鼈をご堪能いただける【鰻すっぽん鍋コー...(by Restaurant)

  • 鼈の刺身(by Restaurant)

  • 鼈の刺身(by Restaurant)

User photos

  • 1

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
Shinjuku Karaoke Izakaya Unappon
Categories Suppon (Soft-shell turtle), Unagi (Eel), Sushi
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)

Reservation availability

Reservations available


東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1-17-11 プレーンシティ新宿ビル 6F


4 minutes walk from JR Shinjuku Station East Exit 3 minutes walk from Shinjuku Station on the Marunouchi Subway Line 3 minutes walk from Seibu Shinjuku Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line

219 meters from Shinjuku Nishiguchi.

Opening hours
  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

    • 17:00 - 23:30
  • Fri, Sat, Sun, Public Holiday, Day before public holiday

    • 17:00 - 05:00
  • ■定休日
Average price

JPY 4,000 - JPY 4,999

Average price(Based on reviews)
Payment methods

Credit cards not accepted

Electronic money not accepted


Number of seats

60 Seats

Private rooms


Private rooms with tables available (3 rooms/for 4-10 people/with doors and walls) Private rooms with tables available (1 room/for 4-8 people/with doors and walls) Private rooms with tables available (4 rooms/for 3-6 people/with doors and walls)

Private use



Smoking allowed

The revised Health Promotion Act for passive smoking prevention has been in effect since April 1, 2020. Please check with the restaurant for the most up-to-date information.





Sake (Nihonshu),Shochu (Japanese spirits)


Particular about fish

Feature - Related information


Restaurant highlights

[4 minutes from Shinjuku Station] Soft-shelled soft-shelled turtle season has arrived! Enjoy fresh sashimi and hotpot. Enjoy the delicious flavors of seasonal ingredients in a private room.

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