ビストロらしさ溢れる絶品料理の数々♡ 和気藹々とした雰囲気が楽しい大好きなお店! : Le bistrot des bleus

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A place where you can feel Paris in the heart of the city

Le bistrot des bleus

(le bistrot des bleus)
The text on this page has been automatically translated using Wovn.io. Please note that there may be inaccuracies in the translation.

These comments are users' personal opinions and impressions so this is not an objective evaluation. Please use it only as one of the references. Also these comments were made when users visited the place at that time. Please make sure to confirm before you visit the place because contents, price, menu and other information may not be the latest.See detail from here
The text on this page has been automatically translated using Wovn.io. Please note that there may be inaccuracies in the translation.


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ビストロらしさ溢れる絶品料理の数々♡ 和気藹々とした雰囲気が楽しい大好きなお店!






しっかりとお店で追熟させている静岡県産のアメーラトマト。とっても甘くてフレッシュでみずみずしいです……! こういう、素材の味勝負、みたいなメニューはとても中村シェフらしさを感じます。

一口食べて、その柔らかさに悶絶……! 炙り具合が絶妙で、香ばしい旨みとレア感をどっちも味わえる……とても美味しいです。レモンコンフィの爽やかさも相まって、シャンパンにめちゃ合います。

1杯目は「Pierson Cuvelier Cuvee Tradition」をいただきました。

井口シェフ特製のキッシュは、この日だけの限定メニュー! しかも一台だけ!早めに伺って良かったなぁと思いました。インスタで作っているところが配信されていたので、見ながらすごく楽しみにしていました♡



最後はもうスプーンで食べちゃいました笑 全部一緒に頬張るのが美味しいんです。まさにビストロならではのお料理だなと思います!また食べたい!!




「Pierre-Olivier Bonhomme Cuvee Kura Rouge」という赤ワインと一緒にいただきました。こちらも美味しかった……





これからも通い続けたい、大好きなお店です。今回も美味しかったです! ご馳走様でした!


  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus - この日限定のキッシュロレーヌ


  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus - 伝わるでしょうか、このとろとろ感……! 骨からお肉が崩れるように取れちゃいます。

    伝わるでしょうか、このとろとろ感……! 骨からお肉が崩れるように取れちゃいます。

  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus - キッチンがとても近いです。特等席!


  • Le bistrot des bleus -
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Eating, drinking, and having a happy night ♡ “Nanatani duck and foie gras pie wrap” is exquisite…!

A 5-minute walk from Hiroo Station, this is an up-and Bistro affiliated with Cytabria, whose menu is supervised by chef Kazunari Nakamura of La Bonne Table. This is my second visit since I visited at the end of December last year! Last time I went for a quick drink before dinner, so I didn't get to eat much food, so this time I wanted to eat a lot, so I made a reservation for 6pm on a weekday. Let's get revenge! So, I was overly enthusiastic and ordered a little too much, lol, but I ordered as follows. [Poirot Pineigrette] 750 yen A cold appetizer with sour dressing sprinkled on limp green onions. The green onions, which are purchased from the same farmers in Hokkaido as the potatoes used in Dauphinois, are very soft and sweet! ! The dressing and the amount of coarsely ground black pepper are very sparing and bring out the flavors of the ingredients wonderfully. Also, you can enjoy it with mustard sauce as a side dish! It has a pungent taste that hits your nose and goes well with wine. A simple yet sophisticated dish. delicious! [Marinated sardine, fennel] 900 yen A dish consisting of two marinated sardines, topped with cut tomatoes, cucumbers, fennel, dill, etc. The sardines are very melty and soft. The cut vegetables are so refreshing...! And the occasional burst of Japanese pepper is really delicious...you can thoroughly enjoy the flavor of the sardine. [Onion gratin soup] 1,400 yen A soup where you can enjoy the sweetness of candy-colored onions. It's hot, sweet, and the onions melt...! The bread on top is baguette from Bricolage Bread (Cytabria bakery in Roppongi), and the dough absorbs the flavor of the soup and is delicious! ! The crunchy texture of the ears is also great. The aroma of freshly ground black pepper is irresistible! ! i love this……! [Nanatani duck and foie gras pie wrapped] 3,800 yen A main dish of Kyoto brand duck thigh with foie gras wrapped in spinach and a whole pie. Served with a sweet sauce made with Madeira wine. When you combine the rich flavor of foie gras, the puff pastry that soaked up the duck's juices and flavor, the soft duck meat, and the sweet sauce, it's just so delicious...I can't put it into words...! In particular, I really love duck meat, but...this duck...is so delicious...! ! ! ! It was too soft and had no smell, but you could really taste the flavor of the duck. That's no surprise, as this Nanaya duck is the one used at the affiliated store, L'Effervéçons. ``Les Felvessons'' uses breast meat, so you can use the leftover thigh meat here. "Les Felvessons" was awarded the "Green Star" (restaurant with sustainable efforts) when it was selected by Michelin this year, and you can see a glimpse of its efforts...! I thought. I'm really happy to be able to prevent food loss and have such delicious duck, and I'd like to see more initiatives like this from Cytabria ( *´﹀`* ) [Charcoal grilled Koshu Fujisakura pork] 3500 yen (half) I was told that they would be able to serve it, so I ordered a half size. The other day, Chef Nakamura collaborated with Chef Machida in a video for the magazine Cooking Kingdom. The video was about Meat Dishes, but they chose a brand of pork called "Koshu Fujisakura Pork" and were filming it in the kitchen of Bistro de Brus, where they were making a delicious-looking charcoal-grilled pork. So, I was really happy when I saw this dish on the menu...! There are only four producers of ``Koshu Fujizakura Pork'' in the prefecture, and only pork that has passed various certification standards can be named. The meat has no odor, is crispy, and has delicious fat. It is served with a sauce made with shallots and garlic, white wine, sweet wine, butter, pepper, and herbs. The meat is crispy and fragrant on the outside, and very juicy and tender on the inside! The shallot sauce is very delicious. It doesn't have much of a garlic taste, just a little sourness, and the fatty part is refreshing. Especially the fatty parts of the pork were very delicious...even though it was fatty, it wasn't greasy and I thought it was really good pork. This was the end for me, and I felt like I could eat a little more, so I asked Chef Iguchi for his recommendations and ordered the following. [Pate en croute] 1,900 yen Pate en croute with pickled beets with raisins and homemade grain mustard. This is a very time-consuming dish with many steps. In fact, Chef Iguchi is participating in something called the ``Pâté en Croute Championship,'' and the menu is constantly being improved for that purpose. My favorite thing about this restaurant is that you can watch the pie being cut from a big block right in front of your eyes.The outside of the pie is crispy, the top is filled with consommé jelly, and the inside is meaty, fatty and crunchy. It has a great texture and is extremely delicious when eaten with the foie gras in the middle...a very authentic charcuterie...! ! It's quite salty, so if you add black pepper or grain mustard, it will make the drink even better ♡ It's already delicious, but I heard that at the championship, they evaluate not only the taste but also the appearance. I heard that other restaurants are learning a lot of things, so I thought this is a menu that I would want to order every time and watch it change lol [Sautéed white asparagus, hollandaise sauce] 1,600 yen A dish of large white asparagus topped with plenty of hollandaise sauce. It's simple, but first of all, this asparagus itself is insanely delicious...! Peruvian white asparagus is not only sweet but also slightly bitter, and is juicy, juicy, and full of flavor. The tip is especially fluffy and has a potato-like texture. The hollandaise sauce has a slightly sour taste that really brings out the flavor of the white asparagus. It was recommended by the chef, and it was also very delicious. [Gateau Chocolat] 900 yen I'm already pretty full...! However, I didn't want sweets, lol. I even had a dessert ♡ It's a rich and bitter gateau chocolate for adults. Is it similar to terrine chocolate? It was very soft, and the blood orange peel added to the finish was very refreshing...! The combination of citrus and chocolate is really delicious... The fresh cream is filled with vanilla beans! It was melty and soft, the sourness of the blood orange pulp that was served with it, and a little sprinkle of salt, all of which went perfectly with the chocolate and was delicious ( *´﹀`* ) After eating dessert, I was already full. I'm very satisfied! By the way, the first glass of wine I received this time was a sparkling [Gaston Chiquet Insolent], and the second glass was a South African orange wine [Baby Bandito Stay Brave]. Both were selected by Chef Iguchi. Since I am a certified sommelier, even a wine amateur like me can choose wines that are delicious and easy to drink...! It was very delicious. As I wrote last time, what I dislike about this restaurant is that the kitchen is so visible that you can see all the food being prepared, so you can't stop thinking, "I wonder what that is...I want to eat it...!" LOL I have decided on the menu that I would like to order next time I come, so I will definitely stop by next time I am in the area. By the way, it was a weekday night, and the restaurant was reserved when I visited, but by the time I left, it was almost full. I would like to make a reservation and visit again next time. Thank you very much for a wonderful night, and thank you for the meal!



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臨場感たっぷりのオープンキッチン! 若きシェフ達が腕をふるう絶品ビストロ

広尾駅から商店街に入ってすぐ、「EAT PLAY WORKS」という施設の2階にあるビストロ。ブルーボトルコーヒーの横を通って、エレベーターで2階に上がるとすぐ右手にあります。



奥にテーブル席もありましたが、せっかくなのでカウンター席へ。椅子が高いので、目の前にキッチンが広がり、お寿司屋さんさながらの臨場感! 手元もオーブンもコンロも全部見えます!笑 こんな楽しいオープンキッチンのお席はなかなか無いと思います笑

半熟卵にマヨネーズ、そして黒胡椒というめちゃくちゃシンプルなひと皿なんですが、感動的に美味しい……! 卵のとろとろ具合、黄身の濃厚さ、マヨネーズの酸味も、全てが絶妙。卵の持つ素材の力を出し切りました、という感じです。

ポテトグラタン。薄くスライスされたジャガイモが、とろっっっとろ……! ニンニクが効いていて、黒胡椒の香りが立っていて、シンプルなのに、めちゃくちゃ、美味しい! かつ、ワインに合う笑 冬に最高に美味しいひと皿。

ちょん、と右下に添えられているのはレーズンとくるみのチャツネで、これが、もう、めちゃくちゃ美味しい……! これ単体は結構甘めなんですが、テリーヌに付けていただくと、鴨肉の旨みがますます引き立って、そしてくるみの香ばしさも合わさって、絶品でした。

ワインは白で飲みやすいものを、とお願いして、【ピエール・オリヴィエ・ボノム ソーヴィ二ヨン 2022】をいただきました。この後ディナーが控えていたので一杯だけにしましたが、皆さんソムリエバッジを着けていらっしゃるので、ガッツリお料理と合わせて美味しく飲めるお店だと思います。

お店全体でメニュー数はまだ少なめですが、これから若いシェフ達が考案された料理がどんどん増えていくんだろうなぁととても楽しみになりました( *´﹀`* )



  • Le bistrot des bleus - ウフマヨネーズ


  • Le bistrot des bleus - 神がかった半熟具合


  • Le bistrot des bleus - ドフィノア


  • Le bistrot des bleus - 鴨レバーのテリーヌ


  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus - カットする前の、鴨レバーのテリーヌ。快く撮影を許していただけました笑 すごい、夢のよう……!

    カットする前の、鴨レバーのテリーヌ。快く撮影を許していただけました笑 すごい、夢のよう……!

  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -
  • Le bistrot des bleus -

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
Le bistrot des bleus(Le bistrot des bleus)
Categories Bistro、French、Wine bar
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)


Reservation Availability

Reservations available



東京都渋谷区広尾5-4-16 EAT PLAY WORKS 2F


1 minute walk from Exit 2 of Hiroo Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line

131 meters from Hiro o.

Opening hours
  • Mon

    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Tue

    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Wed

    • Closed
  • Thu

    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Fri

    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Sat

    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Sun

    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Public Holiday
    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • Before Public Holiday
    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • After Public Holiday
    • 15:00 - 23:00

      (L.O. Food21:30 Drink22:00)

  • ■営業時間

    ■ 定休日


Budget(Aggregate of reviews)

Check the distribution of amounts spent

Method of payment

Credit Cards Accepted


Electronic money Accepted

(Transportation electronic money(Suica)、Rakuten-Edy、iD、QUICPay)

QR code payment Accepted

(PayPay、d Barai、Rakuten Pay、au PAY)

receipt Invoice-compliant receipts can be issued
Registration NumberT9010401089202

*For the latest registration status, please check the IRS Invoice System Qualified Invoice Issuing Business Publication website or contact the restaurant.

Table money/charge



Number of seats

20 Seats

( 10 counter seats, 10 table seats)

Maximum party size

Private dining rooms

not allowed

Private use


Up to 20 people


No smoking at all tables

Parking lot

not allowed


Stylish space,Comfortable space,Counter,Wheelchair accessible



Wine,Particular about wine


Particular about vegetable,Particular about fish,Vegetarian menu,English menu available

Feature - Related information


With family/children |Date

This occasion is recommended by many people.


Secluded restaurant


Extended party hours (more than 2.5 hours),(Surprise) Party accommodations(Birthday plate),Sommelier

With children

Kids are welcome(Babies are welcome,Preschool children are welcome,Elementary school students are welcome),Children menu available,Baby strollers accepted

Dress code

nothing special



The opening day


Phone Number



*Cash payment not possible