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Dishes Photos : Kaki To Ibushiyakatsuwo Akabane Ten

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[In a private room] Straw-grilled & Oyster [Near the station]

Kaki To Ibushiyakatsuwo Akabane Ten


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1 - 42 of 42

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  • 新鮮生牡蠣・岩牡蠣(by Restaurant)

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  • 自家製丸ごとトマトキムチ(by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

  • (by Restaurant)

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  • 広島県産カキフライ(5ヶ)(by Restaurant)

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  • 温玉乗せ石焼きネギトロチャーハン(by Restaurant)

  • 卵かけごはん(by Restaurant)

  • ハラス茶漬け(by Restaurant)

  • 自家製ふわふわフレンチトースト(by Restaurant)

  • 藁の香がたまらない(by Restaurant)

  • 【冬季限定】ドカッと痛風鍋MAX(by Restaurant)

  • 【冬季限定】痛風鍋の宴会もございます。(by Restaurant)

  • 1

Restaurant information


Restaurant name
Kaki To Ibushiyakatsuwo Akabane Ten(Kaki To Ibushiyakatsuwo Akabane Ten)
Categories Izakaya (Tavern), Seafood, Oyster
Phone number (for reservation and inquiry)


Reservation availability

Reservations available




30 seconds walk from the south exit of Akabane Station

88 meters from Akabane.

Opening hours
  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

    • 17:00 - 00:00

      L.O. Food 23:00 Drinks 23:30

  • Sat, Sun, Public Holiday

    • 16:00 - 00:00

      L.O. Food 23:00 Drinks 23:30

  • ■ 定休日
    無し ※年末年始休み12月31日~1月4日
Average price

JPY 3,000 - JPY 3,999

Average price(Based on reviews)
JPY 5,000 - JPY 5,999

View spending breakdown

Payment methods

Credit card accepted

(VISA, Master, JCB, AMEX, Diners)

Electronic money accepted

(Transportation IC cards (e.g., Suica), Rakuten-Edy, nanaco, WAON, iD)

QR code payments accepted


Receipt (Qualified simple invoice) Qualified invoice (receipt) available
Registration numberT2011501016779

*For the latest registration status, please check the National Tax Agency's Qualified Invoice Issuer Publication Site or contact the restaurant.

Service charge & fee

お通し代 330円 (税込)


Number of seats

56 Seats

Maximum party size

Private rooms


For 2 people、For 4 people、For 6 people、For 8 people、For 10-20 people、For 20-30 people

Private use



Separate smoking area (heated tobacco only)

If you wish to smoke cigarettes, please use the stand ashtray outside the store.

The revised Health Promotion Act for passive smoking prevention has been in effect since April 1, 2020. Please check with the restaurant for the most up-to-date information.



Coin parking available nearby


Stylish space,Relaxing space,Spacious seating,Couple seating,Counter seating,Sofa seating,Tatami room,Sunken seating



Sake (Nihonshu),Shochu (Japanese spirits),Wine,Cocktails available,Particular about Sake (Nihonshu),Particular about Shochu (Japanese spirits),Particular about wine,Particular about cocktails


Particular about fish

Feature - Related information


Family friendly |Dates |Friends

This occasion is recommended by many people.


Hideout,A house restaurant


Parties over 2.5 hours,

Family friendly

Children welcome

Please contact us in advance if you are bringing children. (There are some seats where you can smoke heated cigarettes, so those under 20 years of age are not allowed to enter)



Phone number


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